This will be my blog for my trip to Ghana. Ghana, How crazy is that huh?
Just to keep y'all informed, I'll give you some background about Ghana, Accra (where I'll be living) and more nerdy stuff.

Ghana is in West Africa and neighbors the Ivory Coast to the west, Burkina Faso to the north, Togo to the east, and the Gulf of Guinea to the south.
Ghana as a whole has a population of 22,931,299
Accra, which is the capital of Ghana, has 2,096,653 residents.
Like the US, Ghana also has a two party electoral system and a president who is elected every four years. They have a stable government, and fair presidential/parliamentry elections since 1992.

Ghana is a heavily indebted poor country, which in development terms mean they are grouped with 37 other countries into a category that has the highest debt owed to the International Monetary Fund and World Bank, to UN organizations that suck, essentially.
Despite the debt, Ghana has had much success for an African country. They have had political stability since 1982 and direct many of their government policies to development projects. I am super excited to see how all this works

If your a nerd like I am ;) feel free to check out this article that explains how Ghana's public sector is leading the battle to form a stable middle class by 2015: http://allafrica.com/stories/200712210330.html
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